Citizen services
Citizens’ Advocate
Welcome! The Citizens’ Advocate is the spokesperson of the citizens before the Entity, who addresses the complaints that are presented for possible non-compliance with regulations (legal or internal) that govern the execution of the services and their quality. Likewise, they submit to the Entity a biannual management report with recommendations or suggestions aimed at facilitating and improving relations with citizens.
In the case of IDARTES it is:
- Name: Andrés Felipe Albarracín Rodríguez
- Email: andres.albarracin@idartes.gov.co
- Telephone No. 3795750 ext.: 4501
A continuación encontrará la resolución No. 073 de 2016, "Por medio de la cual se designa el Defensor del Ciudadano del Instituto Distrital de las Artes - Idartes".