Instituto Distrital de las Artes (Idartes) is a public establishment at the district level, endowed with legal personality, administrative and financial autonomy, and its own assets, attached to the Secretariat of Culture, Recreation, and Sports of Bogotá.
Idartes guarantees equitable access to the enjoyment and practice of the arts for Bogotá’s residents. It achieves this by promoting research, training, creation, circulation, and the social appropriation of art, fostering the development of critical, sensitive, and creative citizenship, while strengthening the cultural identities of the city.
Strategic action plan

Strategic Objectives
Bogotá Advances in Security

Promote the appropriation of public spaces through the arts, so they are perceived and embraced by citizens as safe, inclusive, and violence-free environments, fostering trust-building for the social transformation of the city.
Bogotá Trusts in Its Well-Being

Enhance the effectiveness and flexibility of promotion strategies and mechanisms to encourage more active and diverse participation from the artistic sector and citizens, guaranteeing their cultural rights and addressing their needs.

Expand initiatives that integrate artistic practices to support mental, emotional, and physical health, collective memory, social innovation, digital convergence, and technological appropriation in Bogotá.

Create artistic training content and experiences using digital tools and multiplatform resources to foster the adoption and use of digital culture, education, the exercise of rights, and human development.

Offer artistic and scientific programs and creative experiences relevant to citizens in Bogotá’s public cultural venues.
Bogotá Is Confident of Its Potential

Implement strategies, actions, and activities that generate opportunities for the enjoyment, appropriation, and development of artistic training processes at the local level and within the city’s communities.

Address girls and boys in early childhood through the promotion of artistic and cultural experiences, supporting their comprehensive development, exercise of cultural rights, and construction of territoriality within the framework of their holistic care.

Promote mechanisms that enable agents to engage in the productive cycle of the artistic ecosystem, ensuring the economic, social, and environmental sustainability of their initiatives.

Create opportunities that enhance knowledge management and internationalization, complementing and expanding the resources of the artistic sector while contributing to positioning Bogotá as a cultural reference worldwide.
Bogotá Organizes Its Territory and Advances in Climate Action, Environmental Justice, and Regional Integration.

Improve the condition of physical infrastructure through actions focused on the upkeep, maintenance, and adaptation of cultural facilities under Idartes’ responsibility.
Bogotá Trusts Its Government

Strengthen technological and communicative infrastructure, along with institutional management, to build the capacities of human talent and improve service delivery to citizens.