The Ethnic Peoples Area of the Instituto Distrital de las Artes - Idartes is an operational and functional unit dedicated to promoting the cultural rights of ethnic communities residing in Bogotá. Through the promotion and strengthening of the artistic practices and expressions of the ethnically differentiated peoples of the city, this area works through a participatory management model. In this model, artists and cultural agents collaborate decisively to fulfill the mission of promoting and strengthening the cultural and artistic diversity of these communities.
The mission of the Ethnic Peoples Area is to recognize and value the artistic traditions of ethnic communities, as well as to support the creation of new forms of artistic expression that are developing in the current context. Through these actions, it seeks to promote cultural and artistic diversity, ensuring that the ethnic communities of Bogotá have an active and recognized role in the city’s cultural life.
Area’s Objective
To recognize and value the artistic traditions of ethnic communities, as well as to support the creation of new forms of artistic expression that are developing in the current context. Through these actions, it seeks to promote cultural and artistic diversity, ensuring that the ethnic communities of Bogotá have an active and recognized role in the city’s cultural life. In addition, respect for and promotion of cultural rights is guaranteed, facilitating access to and participation in the arts and artistic expressions of these communities.