Procedures and services
The Instituto Distrital de las Artes - Idartes welcomes you. We are an entity attached to the Secretariat of Culture, Recreation and Sports of the Bogotá Mayor’s Office. We are pleased to offer you the following services:
- 1. Information on Artistic Training Courses (CREA)
The Instituto Distrital de las Artes - Idartes offers artistic training courses through the CREA program for people from the age of 6 to the elderly.
Program information: https://www.crea.gov.co/
Offerings by locality: https://sif.idartes.gov.co/sif/framework/crea/territorial/oferta/oferta-disponible
- 2. Information on Nests early childhood art laboratories
The Instituto Distrital de las Artes - Idartes offers comprehensive development through the arts for early childhood with its Nests program for young children, from 0 to 5 years old.
Program information: https://nidos.gov.co/
Contact the locality manager via e-mail:
- 3. Unified Permit for Audiovisual Filming (PUFA)
The Unified Permit for Audiovisual Filming (PUFA, for the Spanish original) is the permit for filming in public spaces in Bogotá. This is the only mechanism that allows the producer or applicant to make audiovisual productions in the public space.
It is managed through the Bogotá Film Commission, a program of the Instituto Distrital de las Artes - Idartes, and is carried out online through the film module of the SUMA platform.
For more information, visit the website of the Bogotá Film Commission https://www.filmingbogota.gov.co/pufa. You can also write to the emails pufa.cfb@idartes.gov.co or info.cfb@idartes.gov.co.
- 4. Temporary use of cultural venues
This procedure seeks to facilitate the authorization for the use of the stage that are under the management of Idartes, in order to reduce travel time to the entity’s service locations. The steps for the application are as follows:
- Fill out the application form.
- Wait for the viability opinion of the request, which will be issued by the Sub-Directorate of Cultural Venues, which verifies that the activity to be carried out is within the uses authorized by the Institute, and the availability of the stage on the requested dates.
Important: The viability response will inform the conditions for the use of the stage such as: price, obligations of the beneficiary for the proper use of the stage and the presentation of the event, general prohibitions established in the stage for their correct use, description of availability of the facilities and data of personnel designated for the production of the event.
- 5. Corporate Services to the Cinemateca de Bogotá
The Cinemateca de Bogotá welcomes you. This is a Cultural Center of the Audiovisual Arts, a stage that is part of the Instituto Distrital de las Artes - Idartes, an architectural landmark of the city that promotes the integral evolution of visual and audiovisual culture, through the development of training, creation, exhibition, research and publication programs, and actions for the preservation, restoration and circulation of the audiovisual collection held in its film and media library. A meeting space between the different forms and cultures of the audiovisual industry.
Below, you can find our portfolio of corporate services:
- Rental of spaces.
- Advertising spaces.
- Exclusive screenings and Cinemateca vouchers.
- Experience the Cinemateca.
For more information, visit https://www.cinematecadebogota.gov.co/servicios-corporativos
You can also contact cinematecaenlaciudad@idartes.gov.co or contact us by phone at (601) 379 5750 Ext. 4504.
- 6. Library Specialized in Cinema and Audiovisual Media - BECMA
It is the media library for visitors to search and access to all kinds of magnetic, optical and digital recordings of audiovisual works and records. Its collection also includes books, magazines, posters, photographs, programming, audiovisual content and historical collections published by the Cinemateca, sound recordings and press releases.
BECMA users can freely access its online catalog, reading room and two viewing booths with capacity for 3 people each. It also provides assistance to groups of students in search and research days on topics of their interest.
For more information, visit: https://www.idartes.gov.co/es/areas-artisticas/artes-audiovisuales/mas-informacion
Cuadernos de Cine Colombiano in digital format:
- 7. Planetario de Bogotá
The Planetario de Bogotá welcomes you. This is a cultural and scientific dissemination space integrated since 2012 with the Instituto Distrital de las Artes (IDARTES). We seek to stimulate creative processes and interest in scientific work in the country with its epicenter in the district, through the exploration of various communication languages. To this end, we want to build an interdisciplinary network in the areas of outreach and education by strengthening spaces and channels that enable dialogue and exchange at the local and international levels.
We are located at Calle 26 B No. 5-93 in Bogotá, Colombia. We hope to see you soon. In the following link, you will find information about schedules and rates.
- 8. Open Calls
At the Citizen Relationships Area we provide assistance in the dissemination of the access routes of the SICON Open Call System and public invitations, to download documents, annexes, forms, resolutions, amendment notices, lists of registrants enabled, rejected and to be corrected.
For more information and to request assistance, contact us through the following service channels, from 7:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. continuously.
- Telephone number: Switchboard: 601 379 5750 option 1 or Ext. 4502
- E-mail: contactenos@idartes.gov.co
- Idartes chat, bottom right, at: https://idartes.gov.co/ business days from 7:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
- 9. Book to the Wind Promotion Program
Libro al Viento es un programa de fomento a la lectura creado en 2004 para brindar una oferta literaria de acceso libre a la ciudadanía bogotana, partiendo del principio fundamental que la lectura debe ser un derecho de todos y debe estar al alcance de todos.
Le invitamos a consultar la Biblioteca Digital de Libro al Viento donde podrá descargar de manera libre más de 80 títulos de la colección, y si por el contrario usted prefiere leer en papel, le esperamos en el Área de Relacionamiento con la Ciudadanía ubicada en la Carrera 8 No 15–46, allí podrá llevarse un Libro al Viento, leerlo y compartirlo con alguien más, el horario de atención es de 7:00 a.m. a 4:30 p.m. en jornada continua días hábiles.
- 10. Permiso para aprovechamiento económico de artistas en espacio público - PAES
Actividades artísticas con aprovechamiento económico en el espacio público:
Este programa está dirigido a aquella persona natural o agrupación, que ocupa temporalmente el espacio, público para realizar una actividad artística, donde su objetivo principal es crear, recrear o impulsar manifestaciones artísticas que circulan de forma regular en el espacio público, con lo cual generan un valor cultural agregado al espacio urbano y en contraprestación pueden recibir una retribución económica, sin que medien boletería, derechos de asistencia, ni publicidad.
In accordance with current regulations, it is necessary to take into account the following aspects of the regulation of artistic activities with economic gain in public spaces:
Registration en Idartes:
- The artist who wants to develop his artistic activity in the public space must register in the Instituto Distrital de las Artes - Idartes through the service mechanisms that this entity has for this purpose, and must take into account the other requirements established by Idartes.
- By applying for registration, the artist accepts the terms and conditions established in the regulations to develop an artistic activity with economic gain in public spaces.
- To register, please visit the website www.paes.gov.co.
- 11. Inventory of Urban Art in Bogotá
The Instituto Distrital de las Artes collects information from people or organizations that own or possess real estate, and who propose their façades to be part of the urban art inventory of Bogotá. In this way, we seek to guarantee that all artistic practices, in any discipline, can be developed, including graffiti, one of the most common artistic expressions in Bogotá.
The Instituto Distrital de las Artes encourages artistic practices that are permitted, that are authorized and for which there is an agreement between the owners of the spaces and the artists. For the interventions that are financed by IDARTES and the Culture sector, the necessary permits must be obtained to carry them out. Therefore, there is a control and no intervention can be carried out without prior written permission from the owners of the surface.
A letter addressed to the email gerenciaartesplasticas@idartes.gov.co must be sent, offering the surface and indicating the exact address, type of surface (façade, back wall, internal or external wall).
In the case of residential complexes, the request must be made by the legal representative of the co-ownership association. An official of the Plastic and Visual Arts Department with technical knowledge will determine the viability of the surface, ensuring that:
- It is located in a place with high pedestrian and vehicle traffic.
- It has not been declared an asset of cultural interest.
- It is not part of or does not affect road infrastructure.
- It is not made of materials that are difficult to replace.
- Its use or loan does not require payment.
- It has the minimum technical conditions for the installation of certified scaffolding.
The entity will inform the interested party by email, within 15 business days following the date of the technical visit, if the property is suitable to be included in the inventory of urban art in Bogotá. If the surface is suitable, the applicant will be able to view the address of their property in the urban art inventory in Bogotá.
For more information, you can write to the email: gerenciaartesplasticas@idartes.gov.co or call phone number 601 + 379 5750 ext. 3301.