Citizen consultation
The Instituto Distrital de las Artes - Idartes welcomes you. We are an entity attached to the Secretariat of Culture, Recreation and Sports of the Bogotá Mayor’s Office. Below, you will find the Citizen consultation section, which facilitates the participation mechanism to know the opinions, suggestions or proposals, comments and contributions of citizens and stakeholders with respect to: draft regulations, policies, programs or procedures developed by the Entity before their formulation or decision-making.
It is a participation mechanism that seeks to know the opinions, suggestions or proposals, comments and contributions of citizens and stakeholders with respect to the draft regulations, policies, programs or procedures advanced by the Entity before their formulation or decision-making.
We invite you to learn about the 2024 Transparency and Public Ethics Program. Any comments and concerns can be sent to the following email mipg@idartes.gov.co.
"El arte transforma."