Participatory planning and budgeting
The Instituto Distrital de las Artes - Idartes welcomes you. We are an entity attached to the Secretariat of Culture, Recreation and Sports of the Bogotá Mayor’s Office. Below, you will find the Participatory Planning and Budgeting section, which is a mechanism for citizens to decide the direction of the policies, plans, programs, projects or procedures of the Entity according to their needs.
This section is the mechanism through which citizens decide the direction of policies, plans, programs, projects or procedures according to their needs.
Participation can take place in the delimitation of the expected results and impacts and in the definition of products and activities.
Presupuestos asignados para la vigencia
Participatory Budgeting
According to Law 1757/2015 - Art. 90, Participatory Budgeting is a mechanism for the equitable, rational, efficient, effective and transparent allocation of public resources, which strengthens State-civil society relations.
The inhabitants of Bogotá will be able to decide how the budget of our localities is invested, through Participatory Budgets. Register proposals or vote for the ones you want your local mayor’s office to execute next year.
Clic para conocer los presupuestos participativos
Consulte aquí el estado de los compromisos adquiridos en los espacios de participación
"En Idartes trabajamos para identificar las necesidades reales de la gente."