
District Arts Councils

The District Art, Culture and Heritage System, which is consolidated as an example of active participation for citizens, has about 40 spaces or scenarios for deliberation and agreement, among which are the six councils for the artistic areas (dance, music, literature, plastic and visual arts, audiovisual arts and dramatic art) and a District Arts Council. These spaces are intended for meeting, deliberation, participation and agreement on public and private policies, plans and programs and the respective strategic lines of investment for the development of the arts. (Decree 480/2018)


Training Sessions

Idartes, in assistance of the management of the participation spaces under its responsibility, provides technical and conceptual tools for the fulfillment of the role and functions of the counselors who are part of the different bodies. To this end, the 2024 Annual Participatory Agenda of the District Arts Council provides a training process for counselors of the artistic, local and district areas, on topics that are of great relevance to the sector and the participation process.

We invite you to access this material, which is available for permanent consultation. Welcome.

Session 1 - Functioning of the District Art, Culture and Heritage System

July 23, 2024

In the First Session of the Training Plan for counselors of the artistic areas, carried out within the framework of the Annual Participatory Agenda of the District Arts Council, a historical context was provided on the development and transformation of the District Art, Culture and Heritage System, as well as the fundamental role that the artistic areas have played in this scheme that celebrates 30 years of management, providing information and tools that allow counselors to recognize their role as representatives of the different sectors that are part of the art and culture of the city.

Session 2 - Functioning of the Council of Bogotá

July 30, 2024

To address the needs of knowing the different levels of relationship that the counselors of the artistic areas must have for the development of their role, this second session discusses the operating scheme of the Council of Bogotá, including its structure, organizational chart and forms of relationship that citizens have.

Session 3 - District Administrative Structure

August 20, 2024

Following the same line as the previous session, the Idartes Planning Advisory Office provides a historical and organizational tour on the way in which the sectors that are part of the district administration are structured, with special emphasis on the entities in charge of cultural policies, as well as the execution of the artistic and cultural plans, programs and projects.

Session 4 - Planning Process in the Sector and Formulation of Investment Projects (MGA)

September 10, 2024

The Idartes Planning Advisory Office explains the planning process of the cultural sector in detail, taking as a point of reference the formulation and approval of the District Development Plan, as well as the methodology of investment projects (MGA).

Session 5 - Social Control in Participation Spaces - District Oversight

October 08, 2024

The District Oversight, in its purpose of assisting the processes of citizen oversight and social control of public projects and resources, provides information related to the routes that can be taken by counselors, and in general by citizens, to ensure the execution of initiatives for the benefit of their sectors and the community.

Asamblea Distrital de las Artes

El pasado 26 de noviembre de 2024 se realizó la Asamblea Distrital de las Artes, un espacio de diálogo y concertación en el que confluyeron artistas, agentes, comunidad e instituciones, que forman parte del ecosistema artístico de la ciudad. Este evento permitió establecer un escenario propicio para el balance sobre la gestión tanto de los espacios de participación, como de las entidades involucradas con el desarrollo de los planes, programas y proyectos que impactan el sector artístico y la comunidad en general como beneficiaria.

La  Asamblea Distrital de las Artes estuvo enmarcada en las acciones que llevó a cabo el Consejo Distrital de Artes desde su Agenda Participativa Anual, y formó parte de las actividades desarrolladas para conmemorar los 30 años del Sistema Distrital de Arte, Cultura y Patrimonio.

Audiovisual capsules of counselors of the artistic areas

The District Art, Culture and Heritage System is 30 years old, and one way to recognize the important role that this stage of participation has played in the transformations of the cultural and artistic policies of the city is to highlight the stories that lie behind some of the members of the district councils of the artistic areas.

Yalesa Echeverria

Yalesa Echeverria, president of the District Arts Council, shares her experience as a producer in the performing arts. Her career has led her to tour local, national and international stages, enriching the cultural panorama. Don’t miss her story!

Jessica Santacruz

Los consejeros de las áreas artísticas tienen sus propios talentos. Hoy, Jessica Santacruz, Consejera Distrital de Artes Audiovisuales, comparte su experiencia en los procesos audiovisuales enfocados en el tema de la paz.

Juan Sebastián Trejos

Los consejeros de las áreas artísticas son profesionales que cuentan con una gran trayectoria en el área que representan y hoy, Juan Sebastián Trejos, nos comparte su experiencia en los espacios y equipamientos alternativos de exhibición y circulación del material audiovisual.

Mónica Lucía Suárez

El arte, que se manifiesta de diversas formas y en distintos lugares, logra integrar diversos sectores. Es así como Mónica Lucía Suárez, integrante del Consejo Distrital de Literatura, hoy nos comparte su experiencia como creadora, maestra y artista.

Nevy Felipe Mendoza

Cuando la creación, la formación y la interpretación de la música han sido el motor de una vida, surge un propósito profundo: el deseo de compartirlo. Nevy Felipe Mendoza, actual presidente del Consejo Distrital de Música, tiene como objetivo seguir sembrando y cultivando oportunidades para los artistas de la ciudad, trabajando desde este espacio para fortalecer y promover la música en todas sus formas.

"En Idartes estamos comprometidos con aumentar la confianza de los artistas, gestores y la ciudad."