Bogotá Narrated
Bogotá Narrated is a program of the Instituto Distrital de las Artes (Idartes) that summons the most prominent Spanish-speaking writers to come to Bogotá, tour it, get to know it, enjoy it, explore it, share it with their readers, and, at the end of the adventure, write a text about their impressions of any aspect of the city that they wish to narrate.
Afterwards, each of them delivers a text that is compiled annually in a volume of Book to the Wind. As part of this initiative, 4 books have been published that are part of this collection. Bogotá Narrated
Bogotá Narrated
The book is a compendium of 12 Ibero-American authors and 3 Colombians who, during 2013, were walking, touring, enjoying, living, consuming the Colombian capital to be inspired and thus write about it.
Download: the eBook here
Bogotá Narrated 2.0
For this second installment, we had a first-rate cast that explored various genres and registers: chronicles, stories and memoirs that range from dreamlike fantasies to the most pedestrian reality. Nine texts that mark routes and sketches within the city, which make up a gallery of surprising fictional and real characters.
Download: the eBook here
Bogotá Narrated 3
With this third installment of Bogotá Narrated, a literary and urban exploration, that already includes 32 writers of 16 nationalities, is given continuity. Throughout the three volumes published so far, some constants and recurrences can be highlighted, such as the unpredictable climate and the tutelary presence of the hills, as well as certain inflections of the Bogotá speech, among other features that by accumulation form the image of the city that stands out in the eyes of most visitors.
Download: the eBook here
Bogotá Narrated 4
With this fourth installment of Bogotá Narrated, the program already has 39 writers of 17 nationalities. Thus, the city continues to be an open field for the construction of stories about it, which fluctuate between the starkest realism to overflowing fantasy, because in literature, and in art in general, the possibilities tend to be endless. Seven first-rate guests, representing the best of current literature.
Download: the eBook here
Bogotá Narrated 5
In 2018, two authors had already visited us. The first of them was Sergio Ramírez, the first Nicaraguan author to receive the Cervantes Prize (2017), precisely because the jury considered that he reflects in his writing “the vividness of everyday life turning reality into a work of art.” Bogotá was the muse of his writing.
As the second visitor of the year, Yolanda Arroyo arrived, who has spoken to the world about racial and gender issues. She is interested in sexual identity, showing herself to be combative and nonconformist; so, when it comes to writing, creating characters, recounting situations, she leaves behind the concepts that objectify black women.
The writer, poet, narrator and essayist Jaime Manrique was the third guest of the year. He can be asked about the Bogotá of the 1970s, the one in which it was very unusual for two men to openly accept their homosexuality. He and his partner were brave, they were not afraid to deny to the world that they loved each other, because love has no color, because love has no rules, because love was their freedom. Also, you can talk to him about queer literature, about the writings that explore the LGTBI universe, wanting to reveal that which seems hidden in a population that is not at all different from the others, when it comes to living, in the fullness of that word.
Download: the eBook here
Bogotá Contada 6
En esta recopilación, la ciudad sigue desplegándose y desdoblándose en las plumas de los más diversos creadores, multiplicando los relatos y visiones que existen sobre ella y asentándose con cada vez más fuerza en el panorama literario continental, revelándose como un semillero inagotable de historias.
Aquí encontrará los textos de Nicolás Buenaventura, Mercedes Estramil, Brenda Lozano, Roger Mello, Rodrigo Fuentes, Jaime Manrique Ardila y Juan Carlos Méndez Guédez.
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Bogotá Contada 7
Lo más difícil es perderse en Bogotá. De eso se trata al estar en una ciudad, de extrañarse, de no mirar lo que ya hemos visto de ella o lo que creemos saber antes de visitarla; saber perderse en esta ciudad tan grande, con tanta gente y tantos recovecos, y desviarse de las rutas familiares y los itinerarios típicos. Pero cada escritor busca sus maneras, tiene su propio estilo para dejarse ir y alejarse de lo conocido frente a la hoja en blanco de la ciudad.
Cada uno de los autores de esta edición se pierden para encontrarse con una Bogotá nueva, sea gracias a la evocación de la juventud, las reminiscencias de la niñez, el paseo turístico, la visita al “barrio más peligroso de la ciudad”, la búsqueda de un espacio para danzar o el mareo y el cansancio en la habitación de un hotel.
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Bogotá Contada 8
Basta hojear un poco esta octava versión de Bogotá contada, para darse cuenta de que es un libro distinto a todos los demás de esta serie capital. Más allá de lo obvio —cada libro es único, cada lector es distinto y cada una de sus experiencias modela su lectura y cambia su mirada—, es la primera compilación hecha por autores que no están de paso, y, al contrario, tienen un vínculo estrecho con Bogotá, sea porque nacieron acá o porque esta ciudad los acogió, es decir la han amado con el único amor que podemos profesarles a las ciudades, uno no siempre correspondido —porque ella se entrega a todos—, contradictorio y sin remedio.
Descargue: el libro digital
Bogotá Contada 9
Este libro reúne seis textos (de Jairo Buitrago, Eduardo Otálora, Catalina Navas, Adriana Carreño, Francisco Montaña y Celso Román) dirigidos a niñas y niños; su tema es la naturaleza, qué significado tiene y cómo se manifiesta en Bogotá. Cada uno de estos textos está ilustrado por un artista colombiano (Juan Camilo Mayorga, Claudia Rueda, Leonardo Gómez, Gabriela Otálora, Lorena Bayona y Natalia Rojas).
Descargue: el libro digital
Bogotá Contada 10
Este libro reúne cinco crónicas sobre cinco localidades de Bogotá: Teusaquillo, Usme, Rafael Uribe Uribe, Barrios Unidos y Kennedy; sus autores son, respectivamente, Juan Álvarez, Rodolfo Celis, Mauricio Montenegro, Laura Ortiz Gómez y Lucía Vargas Caparroz.
Descargue: el libro digital