Audiovisual Arts Department
To talk about cinema is to speak the language of humanity, to tell the stories of men, women, loves, disappointments, peoples, struggles, miseries, glories, joys, cities... Bogotá has, like some of the great cities in the world, a space committed to the preservation and dissemination of audiovisual memory
The Cultural Center for Audiovisual Arts - Cinemateca de Bogotá of Idartes is a meeting space between the different audiovisual forms and cultures.
The Cinemateca has three movie theaters, an Expanded Room and a Gallery perfectly equipped that allow you to discover the charm of cinema, learn stories, travel back in time, have experiences through permanent exhibitions, video and audio labs for local creators, workshops, conferences and meetings of all kinds with the world of moving pictures.
At the Cinemateca de Bogotálocated at Cra 3 No. 19-10, exhibitions and festivals are permanently programmed, which summon the best national and international audiovisual works and are part of events, such as the Pink Cycle, the Afro Exhibition, Horizons, or the Appointment with Latin American Cinema (CICLA, for the Spanish original) among others, and reflect the diversity of cinema that is art, industry and citizen expression.
We cover the city through the Associated Theaters Program, with more than a hundred screens in various localities in the capital. Training activities and programs are developed for the generation of culture builders: both creators and active, critical and participatory audiences.
Our own publications, such as Cuadernos de Cine Colombiano, monograph publications, los Catálogos razonados and Becas de investigación,contribute to and strengthen the construction of critical thinking. The Cinemateca de Bogotá is a permanent observatory of audiovisual culture.
Transmedia research, training, creation, circulation and preservation spaces are created in digital environments, making use of new technological platforms through open calls and incentives of the Expanded Cinemateca, a meeting space that offers a broad overview of the definition and construction of audiovisual and new media projects in Colombia and the world.
In 2012, Rolling Cinemateca was created, a training process aimed at the localities of Bogotá that strengthens audiovisual creation in the city’s territories. Cultural managers develop networks and preserve local audiovisual heritage.
Likewise, the Cinemateca in the Park continues with the tour of free outdoor screenings of local, national and international productions and a meeting space for creators and film lovers that brings together producers and spectators and offers a varied program.
The Biblioteca Especializada en Cine y Medios Audiovisuales (BECMA) is the space for consultation and access to all kinds of magnetic, optical and digital supports for audiovisual works and records. Its collection also includes books, magazines, posters, photographs, programming, audiovisual content and historical collections published by the Cinemateca, sound recordings and press records.
The Instituto Distrital de las Artes (Idartes, for the Spanish original) works to strengthen audiovisual creation in the city of Bogotá, while preserving audiovisual heritage, promoting research and developing publications, training of audiences and creators and exhibitions.