These spaces have been designed with those people, groups, companies or collectives in mind, who, due to particular circumstances, need to carry out specific rehearsals or activities in the field of dance and lack a suitable place to do so. The maximum allocation in monthly hours will be twenty (20) hours, either for occasional rehearsals or for continuous use in the rehearsal space modality.
1. Occasional Rehearsal:
It is defined as one whose duration does not exceed six (6) months of execution during the year with a limit of twenty (20) hours per month. These rehearsals take place at La Casona de la Danza or in a space managed by it.
Occasional rehearsals are assigned on a monthly basis. As part of an exercise of social co-responsibility, the beneficiaries commit to carry out, in return, at least one community work session of two (2) hours in spaces managed by the Idartes Dance Department.
To express interest in participating, those interested can register through the available form between the 20th and 25th of each month.
2. Rehearsal Space:
It is characterized by having a duration that exceeds six (6) months continuously in the year with an allocation of twenty (20) hours per month. These rehearsals take place at La Casona de la Danza or in a space managed by it.
Rehearsal Space assignments are made annually. As part of an exercise of social co-responsibility, the beneficiaries commit to carry out community work activities in spaces managed by the IDARTES Dance Department. This generates a sponsorship process that must last a minimum of two (2) hours per month.
Those interested can register using this form, which will remain active until January 21-28, 2025. The groups, companies and/or collectives registered in this modality will be evaluated and selected according to the relevance of the process in concurrence with the purpose of this space
A maximum of twelve (12) participants will be selected. Those groups that are not selected, but still require spaces, may request them through occasional rehearsals, taking advantage of the conditions of this space.